South wall (centre and right)
- Arts and Letters Club of Toronto Membership Cards of Edmund Walker, Barker Fairley, Britton B. Cooke, E.J. Pratt, Vincent Massey, Carroll Aikins, Bertram Forsythe, Frederick Coates, George A. Reid, Ernest MacMillan, Barry Cleveland, Jesse Middleton, Duncan Campbell Scott, Roy Mitchell, Augustus Bridle, Merrill Dennison, Pelham Edgar, Stanley Turner, Hugh Poynter Bell, Albert E. Smythe, Bertram Brooker, F.B. Housser, R.F. Gagen, M.O. Hammond, H.B. Lefroy, Ernest Hathaway, R.L. Defries, Healey Willan, and James Mavor. Courtesy of Arts and Letters Club of Toronto.
- M.O. Hammond, “Beaupre’s Tableau” at the Toronto Arts and Letters Club, November 1913. Courtesy of the Archives of Ontario, F 1075-16-0-0-129
- M.O. Hammond, Toronto Arts and Letters Club Minstrels, March 1918. Courtesy of the Archives of Ontario, F 1075-16-0-0-182.
- Britton B. Cooke, “The Spirit of Travel” with Decorations by J.E.H. Macdonald, The Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature, October 1913. Collection of Deanna Bowen.
- Lawren Harris, Toronto Ward Drawing, graphite on paper, ca. 1911. Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery Collection. Gift of Dr. I.H. Horn, 1984. © family of Lawren S. Harris.
- “Students Discover ‘Tough Guys’ in the Wilds,” The Victoria Daily Times, July 29, 1922. Collection of Deanna Bowen.
- Frederick Varley, A.Y. Jackson, Lawren Harris, Barker Fairley, Frank Johnston, Arthur Lismer, and J.E.H. MacDonald, Arts and Letters Club of Toronto, c.1924, Toronto, Canada. Courtesy of University of Toronto Archives, University College Archives Fonds, A2016-0040/P.
- Deanna Bowen, “Barker Fairley signature, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire letter,” from the installation 1911 Anti-Creek Negro Petition, 2013. Courtesy of the artist.
- Barker Fairley, W.J. Alexander, oil on canvas, 1936. University College Collection, UC154, gift of Nan Fairley Cowley (Mrs. Fraser Cowley).
- Deanna Bowen, “Letters from the Athabasca Board of Trade, September 27, 1911” from the installation 1911 Anti- Creek Negro Petition. Courtesy of the artist.