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New York Corres Sponge Dance School of Vancouver

Saturday, June 27, 2015, 8:30-9:30pm

Co-presented with Kunstverein Toronto

Featuring Christine Atkinson, Diane Borsato, D’Andrea Bowie, Sam de Lange, Joel Herman, Morgan Mavis, Penelope Smart, and Jayne Wilkinson

As part of Glenn Lewis’s current solo exhibition at Kunstverein Toronto, Kunstverein Toronto and the Justina M. Barnicke Gallery/University of Toronto Art Centre are pleased to present Lewis’s legendary multi-media synchronized swimming performance. On June 27, Lewis will reconvene the New York Corres Sponge Dance School of Vancouver – a mail-art exchange group formed by Lewis in 1970. Part of a network of artists that included General Idea, Ant Farm in San Francisco and Ray Johnson’s New York Correspondence School, the NYCSDSOV camouflaged its meetings as synchronized swim routines during public hours at the Crystal Pool in Vancouver, with participants clad in shark fin swimming caps made by artist Kate Craig.


Pool, Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle

2015 Glenn Lewis Swim Performance_Hero

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