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Building on the established reputations of the Justina M. Barnicke Gallery and University of Toronto Art Centre, and past collaborations between the two galleries, the newly formed Art Museum at the University of Toronto is embarking on the next stage in the evolution of art presentation and engagement in the ongoing history of culture at the University of Toronto. Our award-winning exhibitions, programs, and collections contribute in unique ways to the cultural life of the University of Toronto campus and academic life at UofT, the City and beyond.

With your support we are able to foster a diversity of emergent talent, and offer access to young people and visitors’ participation in the cultural ecology of the city and internationally. The Art Museum partakes actively in city-building, encouraging new relationships and exchange between the University and diverse publics, and providing visitors with profound and stimulating experiences.

We greatly value your support and welcome financial and in-kind donations.


Our Supporters

The Art Museum’s programs are supported by operating funding from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Council as well as by project and employment funding from government, private and corporate benefactors.

Significantly the Art Museum’s programs are also supported by the following endowments:

Art Centre Endowment Fund
Ella May Davison Mercer Endowment Fund
Janet E. Hutchison Endowment Fund
Joan Walwyn Randall Endowment Fund
Valerie Jean Griffiths Student Exhibitions Fund in Memory of William, Elva and Elizabeth


Gifts of Art

The Art Museum has benefitted from the generous gifts of exceptional works of art that enhance specific strengths within our collections. We rely on the assistance of an art acquisition committee, drawn from experts in the field who advise and aid in determining selections and priorities for the entry of gifted works into the collections. Qualifying gifts of art are eligible for tax receipting and, if certified by the Cultural Property Export Review Board, are exempt from capital gains tax. Our care of these diverse holdings facilitates the learning and research of students, scholars and benefits general audiences through permanent collections exhibitions.