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A scaffold with, against

People standing and sitting behind a patterned screen

Works by

Jasmina Cibic, Caroline Monnet, and Pejvak

Three people sitting in front of a large decrative wall on a horizontal desk
Photograph of group of children standing on stage in front of curtain
Image of pink, blue, and orange pattern

A scaffold with, against

May 11–July 30, 2022

Curated by Žana Kozomora

University of Toronto Art Centre

A scaffold with, against features artworks by artists Jasmina Cibic, Caroline Monnet, and the collective Pejvak that take as their material the forms that prop up constructions of the future—processes that may appear elusive in the face of larger, seductive propositions for icons of progress. Beginning with references to material structures, the works expand to recognize a metaphoric scaffold, a perpetuating apparatus across borders, eras, and political contexts. Through film, print, and textile media, the works invite us to recognize and question our capacities and agencies to shift these scaffolds and generate new ones.

Cibic’s film Tear Down and Rebuild (2015) takes as its stage the preserved modernist architecture of the former Palace of the Federation (Yugoslavia), presenting a debate that positions global questions surrounding propositions to rebuild, renovate, or destroy buildings, monuments, and cultural icons that no longer serve contemporary political contexts. Monnet’s Marking the Underground (2021), a series of silkscreen prints on waterproofing membranes, considers the deep impact of the assimilationist vision of the Indian Act and the ongoing implications of colonial policy for housing on Indigenous reserves in Canada. Pejvak’s poetic film A Passage (2018) is oriented around reconstruction projects in a land-locked border region in the south of Armenia experiencing rapid neo-liberalization since the collapse of the U.S.S.R. A scaffold with, against considers a break with the commitment to a floorplan or blueprint for the future, asking us to imagine multiple futurities beyond the disaster-oriented schemes that presently persist.

This exhibition is produced as part of the requirements for the MVS degree in Curatorial Studies at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, University of Toronto.

Opening Reception: MVS Studio Program and MVS Curatorial Studies Program Graduating Exhibitions

Wednesday, May 11, 5pm–7pm
Opening remarks at 5:30pm
University of Toronto Art Centre

Artist Talk: Pejvak

Thursday, July 21, 12 noon
Online on Zoom

Exhibition Resources

Press Release
Exhibition Brochure
Large-Format Text

Our Supporters

We gratefully acknowledge operating support from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council with additional project support from the Reesa Greenberg Curatorial Studies Award and International Travel Fund.




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