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All This Time

Piece of plastigomerate rock

Works by:

Carl Beam, Eric Cameron, Kelly Jazvac, Faith La Rocque, Micah Lexier, Ken Nicol and Tamiko Thiel.

Silkscreen of family pictures, turtle, bees, and stamps
6 used coffee cups of 100 displayed
Fossil with brachiopod and trilobate samples

All This Time

September 15, 2016–June 15, 2017

Curated by Jaclyn Quaresma

We are currently in the Anthropocene, which follows the Holocene epoch, Quaternary period, Cenozoic era, and Phanerozoic eon.

The Jackman Humanities Institute
170 St George Street, 10th Floor

The Art Museum presents All This Time, a new exhibition at the University of Toronto’s Jackman Humanities Institute, located at 170 St. George Street. Organized for the Institute’s 2016-17 research theme Time, Rhythm and Pace, the exhibition brings together geologic samples and texts alongside artworks in diverse media by Carl Beam, Eric Cameron, Kelly Jazvac, Faith La Rocque, Micah Lexier, Ken Nicol, Tamiko Thiel, to consider multiple ways of thinking and representing time.

Since the discovery of deep time, geologists and other Earth scientists have divided time into Eons, Eras, Periods, Epochs and Ages. These fragments, or geochronological units, allow us to conceive of the earth’s 4.6 billion-year-old history. They are, as their names suggests, Earth-sized units of time. Each time unit is defined by a Golden-Spike— a reference point in the rock that is most often caused by an event so great that it has left a mark on the rock record of the earth.

Our Supporters

We gratefully acknowledge the operating support from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council, with additional project support from The Jackman Humanities Institute, the University of Toronto MVS Curatorial Studies Program at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, and Manulife Financial.

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