Champs Délicieux: Album de Photographies
Champs Délicieux: Album de Photographies
Howald Letters
October 10-December 9, 2000
Curated by Steven Manford
University of Toronto Art Centre
An exhibition of Man Ray’s first Rayographs of 1922, alongside the letters he wrote to his patron and supporter Ferdinand Howald, documenting the invention of the Rayograph. The Howald portfolio and the letters were borrowed from the Ohio State University. Correspondence between artists and patron, although in this instance mostly one-sided, shows how the support of artists can, materially and spiritually, be achieved with relatively modest amounts of money and large amounts of trust and confidence.
Our Supporters
We gratefully acknowledge the project support of The Abraham and Malka Green Foundation in the publication of the catalogue.
Title Image: Man Ray, Rayograph, plate 3, 1922. Rayograph.