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Geoffrey James: Past / Present / Future

Black and white photo of trees and pond in Central Park

Geoffrey James: Past / Present / Future

April 29–June 21, 2003

Curated by Liz Wylie

University of Toronto Art Centre

For more than 25 years, internationally acclaimed Canadian photographer Geoffrey James has been exploring humanity’s imprint on the environment. As part of the CONTACT 2003 Photography Festival, the University of Toronto Art Centre is pleased to present Geoffrey James: Past / Present / Future.

This exhibition will feature photographs from the past twenty years by this award-winning artist. Selections from his early panoramas, from his projects on the work of Frederick Law Olmsted, Asbestos mining in Quebec, and the Mexican border at Tijuana, as well as urban images of Paris, Montreal, and Toronto will be included. James’s fascination with the built environment has been a constant in his work, beginning with an interest in the utopian that evolved into more recent explorations of urban complexity, and the dystopian.

The Art Centre exhibition on the work of Geoffrey James will be joined on campus by a complementary installation at the Eric Arthur Gallery of the Faculty of Landscape, Architecture and Design at 230 College St. This show will be titled Edge of Town, and will focus on James’s recent photographs in and around Lethbridge, Alberta, and in the so-called “905” regions outside of Toronto.

Opening Reception

Wednesday April 30, 2003, 5-7pm
University of Toronto Art Centre


Our Supporters

We gratefully acknowledge the project support of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation with the additional support of David and Vivian Campbell in the publication of the catalogue.

Title Image: Geoffrey James, Rue Charenton, Paris, 2000. Black and white silver print. 20 x 25 cm.


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