Image Coming Soon #1
Image Coming Soon #1
March 20–June 6, 2015
Curated by Liora Belford
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery
Image Coming Soon #1 re-stages the late American composer John Cage’s groundbreaking composition for a museum, titled museumcircle (1989-1995). Informed by Marcel Duchamp’s first musical work Erratum Musicale (1913), Cage’s work entails the use of chance operations to determine the spatial composition of an array of objects borrowed from over thirty museums in the Greater Toronto area, and an assortment of rocks, plants, books, chess tables and pieces of ephemera.
Image Coming Soon #1 juxtaposes Cage’s historical project with unannounced performances of Duchamp’s Erratum Musicale, to allow a contemplation of the two scores, and more specifically, the consequences of Cage’s spatial adaptation of sound composition principles.
This exhibition is produced as part of the requirements for the MVS degree in Curatorial Studies at the University of Toronto.
Opening Reception
Friday, March 20, 6-8pm
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery
Show and Tell & Panel Talk
Institutions Talk about the Objects
Wednesday, May 6, 5pm
Featuring representatives from selected lending institutions presenting their objects on display in Image Coming Soon #1, followed by a panel discussion featuring Christof Migone; Marcin Kedizor; Barbara Fischer; Ido Govrin; E. C. Woodley; Sarah Robayo Sheridan.
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery
Erratum Musicale (1913) by Marcel Duchamp
Featuring Ido Govrin, Martin Arnold, Ryan Driver, Doug Tielli, Christine Duncan, Michael Davidson and Patrick O’Reilly
Unannounced schedule
45’ for a Speaker (1954) by John Cage
Wednesday, June 3, 7:30pm
Featuring Martin Arnold
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery
Lending institutions
Art Gallery of Ontario, Blackwood Gallery, Campbell House, City of Toronto Museums & Heritage Services (Colborne Lodge Museum, Fort York National Historic Site, Gibson House Museum, City of Toronto Historical Collection, The Market Gallery, Spadina Museum, Todmorden Mills Heritage Site, York Museum), Design Exchange, Doris McCarthy Gallery, Gardiner Museum, Gendai Gallery, Hart House Collection, Museum of Inuit Art, The Morris and Sally Justein Heritage Museum at Baycrest, Malcove Collection, Mercer Union, Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, MZTV Museum of Television, Open Studio, Ontario Science Centre, Royal Ontario Museum, Ryerson Image Centre, University College Collection, University of Toronto Collection
Our Supporters
We gratefully acknowledge the operating support from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council, with additional project support from University of Toronto MVS Curatorial Studies Program at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, and Manulife Financial.
Title Image: Installation view of Image Coming Soon #1, 2015. Image credit: Toni Hafkenscheid.