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Empty theatre playing film with woman in black slip near piano

Works by:

Michael Snow, Murray Favro, Ian Carr Harris, Rodney Graham, John Massey, Stan Douglas, Geneviève Cadieux, Krzystof Wodiczko, Wyn Geleynse, David Hoffos, Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller, Nathalie Melikian, Judy Radul


April 8–June 17, 2007

Curated by Barbara Fischer

University of Toronto Art Centre
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery

Projections is the first major survey to trace the emergence and development of projection-based installation in the history of contemporary art in Canada from the late 1960s to the present. Curated by Barbara Fischer, the exhibition is co-produced by four major galleries of the University of Toronto: the Blackwood Gallery (UTM), the Doris McCarthy Gallery (UTSC), the University of Toronto Art Centre and the Justina M. Barnicke Gallery located on the downtown campus.

All of the works in this exhibition involve projection, whether in the form of light, slides, film, video or television. Spanning four decades since its first use in the mid 1960s, the exhibition provides a glimpse of a particularly rich area of experimentation in contemporary art in Canada. It brings together, for the first time, projection-related works by such internationally recognized artists as Michael Snow, Murray Favro, Ian Carr Harris, Rodney Graham, John Massey, Stan Douglas, Geneviève Cadieux, Krzystof Wodiczko, Wyn Geleynse, David Hoffos, Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller, Nathalie Melikian, and Judy Radul among others.

Joint Opening Receptions

Sunday April 8, 2007, 1-6pm
University of Toronto Art Centre
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery
Blackwood Gallery
Doris McCarthy Gallery


Friday April 20, 2007, 7:30pm
Featuring Stan Douglas
Room 140, University College

Contemporary Art Bus Tour

Sunday April 29, 2007, 12pm

Young Scholars Round Table

Monday May 14, 2007, 5pm
Featuring emerging writers, art historians, and cultural historians of contemporary experimental film, installation, and video projection
Hart House

Round Table

Must we put an end to projection?
Monday May 21, 2007, 5pm
Hart House

Media Coverage

Our Supporters

We gratefully acknowledge the project support of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, the Toronto Arts Council, Manulife Financial, Charles Street Video, and the Museums Assistance Program, Department of Canadian Heritage.

Title Image: Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller. The Muriel Lake Incident, 1999. Multimedia construction with video projection and binaural audio. Photo courtesy of the artists.

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