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Talking Back, Otherwise

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Works by:

Marvin Luvualu Antonio, Valérie Blass, Bethany Collins, Jérôme Havre, Maryse Larivière, Jennifer Rose Sciarrino, Nicole Kelly Westman

Talking Back, Otherwise

September 16, 2015-June 30, 2016

Curated by cheyanne turions

Produced in collaboration with the Art Museum

Presented at the Jackman Humanities Institute

Within the Jackman Humanities Institute’s 2015-2016 research theme of ‘Things that Matter,’ Talking Back, Otherwise proposes that one way that things can talk is by virtue of talking back, when they operate counter to our expectations of them, provoking our ire, desire, or surprise. By turns playful and serious, the works in Talking Back, Otherwise utilize this shifting perception of value to comment on the strictures of systems of classifications – poking holes, making fun, resisting. In the oscillation between one way of understanding and another, a critique of the normative world is made possible.

Presented as part of the Jackman Humanities Institute’s 2015-16 Program for the Arts on the theme of ‘Things that Matter’.

Opening Reception

Wednesday, September 16th, 4-6pm
The Jackman Humanities Institute is located at:
University of Toronto, 170 St. George Street, 10th Floor
Free and Open to the Public, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm

Media Coverage

Our Supporters

We gratefully acknowledge the operating support from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council, with additional project support from The Jackman Humanities Institute, the University of Toronto MVS Curatorial Studies Program at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, and Manulife Financial.

Title Image: Nicole Kelly Westman, from the series Inherited Narratives, 2014.

Page Image: Marvin Luvualu Antonio, Pink Matter. Image credit: Yuula Benivolski.

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