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Volume: Hear Here

Trumpet with black viscous substance on it

Works by:

Mitchell Akiyama, crys cole, Marla Hlady, Neil Klassen, David Lieberman, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Sylvia Matas, David Merritt, Ryan Park, Juliana Pivato, Alexandre St-Onge, Chiyoko Szlavnics, John Wynne, Dave Dyment, Alexis O’Hara, Darsha Hewitt, John Oswald, Ian Skedd, Charles Stankievech

Volume: Hear Here

January 17–March 10, 2013

Curated by Christof Migone

Co-presented with Blackwood Gallery

Justina M. Barnicke Gallery

From the utterance stems the establishment of the category of the present, and from the category of the present is born the category of time. The present is precisely the source of time. It is that presence in the world that only the speech act makes possible, since (if we reflect on this) man has no other way of living “now” at his disposition besides the possibility to realize it through the insertion of discourse in the world.
– Émile Benveniste

Volume: Hear Here is conceived around the vexed question of presence in its entwine with absence — the da of dasein. An ontological discussion considered through the tenuous objecthood, but resolute materiality of sonic phenomena. Benveniste’s epigraph gives primacy to the speech act, here the intent is to supplant it with the sound act. The event of language taking place in time is replaced by sound as infiltrator, enveloper, occupier of both time and space. This is a moment akin to Tony Smith’s famed conclusion following his experience of driving on an unfinished and unmarked portion of the New Jersey Turnpike: “There is no way you can frame it, you just have to experience it.” The incompleteness which is a corollary of the decision to dwell on unframed experience is what Michael Fried in “Art of Objecthood” so vehemently resisted and is the condition of possibility of this exhibition project.

Returning to the epigraph, the other bias it foregrounds is the role of discourse which also performs a framing function. There is a desire in the twenty-four works by nineteen artists assembled here, however temporary and fraught the exercise of this desire might be, to go beyond meaning, beyond interpretation. Why this desire to seemingly bypass the straight path to knowledge? Hans-Georg Gadamer spoke of a poem speaking not only through a “meaning intention” but that simultaneously a “truth lies in its performance.” Serendipitously, he dubbed this dimension volumen.

List of Artists by Venue

Justina M. Barnicke Gallery

Mitchell Akiyama, crys cole, Marla Hlady, Neil Klassen, David Lieberman, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Sylvia Matas,
David Merritt, Ryan Park, Juliana Pivato, Alexandre St-Onge, Chiyoko Szlavnics, John Wynne

Blackwood Gallery

Dave Dyment, Alexis O’Hara, Darsha Hewitt, John Oswald, Ian Skedd, Charles Stankievech

Opening Receptions

Wednesday January 16, 2013, 5-8pm
Blackwood Gallery
Thursday January 17, 2013, 7-9pm
Justina M. Barnicke Gallery

Book Launch and Panel Talks

Sunday February 3, 2013, 12-6pm
Featured speakers and moderators include Seth Kim-Cohen, Martin Arnold, Dan Lander, Jim Drobnick, Marla Hlady, David Merritt, Juliana Pivato, Adi Louria-Hayon, Barbara Fischer, Nicole Gingras and Christof Migone.
Music Room, Hart House

Contemporary Art Bus Tour

Sunday February 10, 2013, 12 – 5pm
Koffler Gallery’s off-site project at General Hardware Contemporary, Blackwood Gallery, AGYU, Doris McCarthy Gallery and Justina M. Barnicke Gallery.


Saturday February 23, 2013, 5–6pm
Featuring Erin Sexton (Montreal) and Vikas Kohli (Mississauga)
Blackwood Gallery, UTM

Artist Talk

Thursday February 28, 2013, 12:30–1:30pm
Featuring Ryan Park
Sheridan College, Annie Smith Mezzanine
1430 Trafalgar Road, Oakville


February 23-24, 2013, 10–6pm
Featuring 13 selected presentations led by Marc Couroux; Marla Hlady and Brandon LaBelle
Moderated by Steph Berntson and hosted by Christof Migone
Blackwood Gallery, UTM

Media Coverage

Our Supporters

We gratefully acknowledge the operating support from the Canada Council for the Arts, with additional project support from the Ontario Arts Council, the Toronto Arts Council, the Hal Jackman Foundation, Student Housing and Residence Life at the University of Toronto Mississauga and the Department of Visual Studies, UTM.

Title Image: Installation view of Volume: Hear Here, 2013. Image credit: Toni Hafkenscheid.

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