Workforce: Representing Labour in Chinese Propaganda Posters
Workforce: Representing Labour in Chinese Propaganda Posters
March 6–April 21, 2012
Curated by Elizabeth Parke
University of Toronto Art Centre
Workforce: Representing Labour in Chinese Propaganda Posters examines representations of the worker in order to reconsider the toiling body in Chinese artistic production and to illuminate how ideas of work are mobilized in the name of nation building. Exploring what is at stake – politically, socially, aesthetically – in representing a nation’s workforce, the posters present vivid depictions of the theme of work as state propaganda. Produced between the years 1963 – 1967, the posters convey the importance of manual labour during this tumultous time.
The exhibition has been timed to coincide with the Association of Asian Studies Annual Conference, the premier conference for Asia scholars in North America.
Opening Reception
Friday March 16, 2012, 6-9pm
University of Toronto Art Centre
The Many Faces of Mao Zedong
Friday March 2, 2012, 5-7pm
Featuring Dr. Minna Valjakka
University of Toronto Art Centre
Our Supporters
We gratefully acknowledge the project support from the Joan and Clifford Hatch Foundation.
Title Image: Weng Yizhi, Through one’s own efforts and hard work make the country strong build the homeland, 1964. Offset print. Collection of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto.