Colloquia organized with the McLuhan Centre
Tuesday October 24, Thursday November 9, Tuesday November 21, 2000.
A program of Dreyfus and Zola: A Moment of Conscience in the World
J’accuse!”: An analysis of Zola’s views of the army, justice and patronism.
Tuesday October 24, 2000, 5pm
Featuring Michel Drouin
The Dreyfus Affair is the medium and justice is the message
Thursday November 9, 2000, 6pm
Featuring Robert Logan
Dreyfus’s Shadow: The startling impact of L’Affaire on French political culture
Tuesday November 21, 2000, 6pm
Featuring Erna Paris
University of Toronto Art Centre
Title and Page Image: Histoire d’un traître, Imprimerie spéciale de la Libre Parole, 1899. Broadside.