Waves and Signs (Basketball)
Wednesday, June 24, 2015, 6-8pm
A program of The Flesh of the World
Featuring Wendy Jacob and members of the University of Toronto Varsity Blues Basketball Team and the Senior Men’s National Team of Wheelchair Basketball Canada
Concealed under the floor are four large, electro-mechanical transducers and two power amps that carry vibrational signals through the floor’s surface. During the opening, the performance will feature members of the University of Toronto Varsity Blues Basketball Team and the Senior Men’s National Team of Wheelchair Basketball Canada. Two basketball players at a time will activate the floor with their dribbling. By stepping on the floor, visitors can “hear” the ball in play through their bodies.
University of Toronto Art Centre
Video Documentation
Title Image: Wendy Jacob, Waves and Signs (Basketball), 2015. Wood, transducers, sound, video projection.
Page Image: Wendy Jacob, Waves and Signs (Basketball), 2015. Wood, transducers, sound, video projection.