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Framing the View, or Viewing the Frame?

Thursday, November 14, 2013, 7-9pm

A program of Framing Narratives: Renaissance to Modernism

Jordan Bear, Framing the View, or Viewing the Frame? Landscape as a Way of Seeing in the 19th Century

This talk explores how several of the artists represented in Framing Narratives: Renaissance to Modernism transformed land into landscape through the convention of the ‘view’. In particular, it will examine the variety of ways that a picture’s status as a view – as a partial, selected version of nature – is signaled, and will discuss the implications of these signals, both for the viewers inside the picture, as well as those in the gallery.

Jordan Bear, Assistant Professor, Department of Art.


University of Toronto Art Centre

Title Image: Installation view of Framing Narratives: Renaissance to Modernism, 2014. Image credit: Toni Hafkenscheid.


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