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Yoga Nidra with Taryn Diamond

A program of: P. Mansaram: The Medium is the Medium is the Medium

Monday, February 11, 2019, 6pm – 7:15 pm

Taryn Diamond will facilitate a deeper delve into a selected work by using Yoga nidra, an immensely powerful meditation technique. Mansaram’s work uses the strategy of image repetition to convey multiple meanings, in this workshop participants will rest comfortably in corpse pose while being guided through a systematic meditation which cycles through the layers of self to access the archive of images that are held within our own bodies.

Taryn is an energetic and inclusive instructor, drawing from experience in facilitation, gender analysis, and a commitment to social justice. Having practiced yoga for a decade, Taryn began sharing her love of yoga upon completing over 500 hours of Yoga Education at Octopus Garden Holistic Yoga Centre in 2012. Click here to read her full bio.

This event is sold out.

Participants should bring their own yoga mats and dress in comfortable layers, including socks. The Justina M. Barnicke Gallery is at museum temperature of 21C.


Justina M. Barnicke Gallery

Title and Page Image: P. Mansaram, Rear View Mirror #727 (detail), 1972, mixed media on canvas board.

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