International Curatorial Residency: Anselm Franke
Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 7-8pm
Public lecture with Anselm Franke
The Justina M. Barnicke Gallery and Partners in Art announce the launch of an International Curator-in-Residence program at the Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, University of Toronto. The first curator invited in the international series is Extra City Director Anselm Franke, who will be in Toronto from February 16 until March 6, 2009, to conduct research for his upcoming projects and collaborations with Toronto-based art institutions. His residency will involve studio visits, and meetings with artists and writers. He will be conducting seminars with students in the Masters of Visual Studies and Curatorial Studies programs at the University of Toronto, the Ontario College of Art and Design University, and York University.
Anselm Franke is the Director of the Extra City Centre for Contemporary Art in Antwerp and an advisor to the International Film Festival Berlin. He writes for a variety of magazines, such as piktogram and Metropolis M. In 2008 he was co-curator of Manifesta 7 (Italy, 2008) and the 1st Brussels Biennale (2008), and he is currently completing his PhD at Goldsmiths College in London.
Recent curatorial projects include Mimétisme (Extra City, 2008), an exhibition that reflects on the sociological and critical legacy of the study of mimesis and presents alternative genealogies to the modern paradigm. He curated recent solo exhibitions by Peter Friedl (Extra City, 2008), and Smadar Dreyfus (Extra City, 2008), and is currently working on an exhibition of the drawings of legendary Russian filmmaker and theorist Sergei Eisenstein (Extra City, April 3-June 21, 2009).
While in Toronto, Anselm will be conducting research for his upcoming exhibition, Animism, a collaboration between MUHKA (Antwerp) and Extra City in 2010. Animism examines the artistic transgression and reorganization of boundaries such as dead/alive and human/thing throughout modern and contemporary artistic currents, and the history of aesthetic strategies of subjectivation and de-subjectivation.
University College, Room 140, Univeristy of Toronto
Our Supporters
The event is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, and Partners in Art
Partners in Art (PIA) is a non-profit group of Toronto art enthusiasts with an interest in supporting the visual arts in Canada in two ways – first, by partnering with established arts organizations on collaborative fundraising projects; and secondly, by furthering members’ understanding and knowledge of the visual arts through an active education program.
The group cultivates alliances among artists, dealers, curators, educators, business, and the public to develop vital and exciting contemporary art projects that raise the awareness of Canadian art and artists nationally and internationally. Visit Partners in Art online.