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Kite Flying with Local People

Thursday, June 9 2009, 12-4pm

Part of the community outreach programming of Gendai Gallery Exhibition The Arts of Togetherness.

A kite-making and flying workshop Yoshinori Niwa

Kite Flying with Local People invites participants to become involved not only in making and flying kites with the artist Yoshinori Niwa visiting from Japan, but also in creating kites invested with personal character. Participants are encouraged to bring their own used clothing or materials they have found to this UTAC workshop. By helping produce kites out of found materials considered refuse (i.e. plastic shopping bags or other types of disposables such as cereal boxes or used clothing), Niwa wishes to encourage participants to think of the potential use in any object. This activity not only reminds us about the finite number of resources on the planet, but also encourages us to think creatively about how our resources are used to their maximum potential.


University of Toronto Art Centre


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