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Letterforms Workshop

A program of Robert Fones: Signs | Forms | Narratives

Saturday, June 2, 2018, 1pm

Join Sheridan College professor and Governor General’s award winning artist Robert Fones in this rare opportunity to learn the process and practice behind his letterform art. Participants will make their own letterform to take home. Open to all artistic skill levels. All materials are included in the fee.

$35 – adult
$25 – student

Preregistration required | Register Here
Spaces limited
Materials included


University of Toronto Art Centre

Title Image: Robert Fones, R from Cercle Bleu. Courtesy of the artist.

Page Image: Robert Fones, Axe|Exa|Axi, 1997, casein on wood, plywood. 96.8 × 78.7 × 30.5 cm. Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen’s University, Kingston. Gift of Robert Fones, 2006.

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