Nude Ghosts: Allen Ginsberg, General Idea, and the Formation of Queer Eros
Thursday, September 18, 2014, 4:30-5:30pm
Part of The Politics and Poetics of Visibility
A program of “We Are Continually Exposed to the Flashbulb of Death”: The Photographs of Allen Ginsberg (1953-1996), Robert Giard: Towards the Particular and AA Bronson: Life and Work
18th Annual Janet E. Hutchison Lecture with Dr. Jonathan D. Katz
Precisely not gay, yet deeply homoerotic, Allen Ginsberg’s work could appear self-contradictory until the advent of a queer politics underscored the strategic benefit in any such refusal of gayness. In this talk, Katz places Ginsberg and General Idea in a long tradition of anti-gay queers, situating their seeming contradictions in the socio-political context of their times.