The Line Has Shattered
Wednesday, September 10, 2014, 6-8pm
Part of The Politics and Poetics of Visibility
A program of “We Are Continually Exposed to the Flashbulb of Death”: The Photographs of Allen Ginsberg (1953-1996)
Screening of The Line Has Shattered and Panel Talk
Featuring Michael Boughn, Victor Coleman, Charlie Huisken, Jay Millar, and John Oughton
The Line Has Shattered (2013, 58 mins, dir. Robert McTavish) explores the landmark Vancouver Poetry Conference of 1963, attended by Allen Ginsberg and several other American and Canadian poets. After the screening the documentary, Michael Boughn (poet and UofT lecturer in American Literature and Contemporary Poetry), Charlie Huisken (founder of Toronto’s This Ain’t The Rosedale Library), John Oughton (poet and literary journalist), Jay MillAr (poet, editor, and publisher at BookThug) and Victor Coleman will continue the conversation that began with Coleman’s tour on Monday. Boughn, Coleman, Huisken, Millar, and Oughton will reflect and share stories about the poetry scenes in Toronto and Vancouver, and the lasting influence of the Beat Generation in Canada