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Slow Art Day 2019

Slow Art Day is a global event with a simple mission: help more people discover for themselves the joy of looking at and loving art.

For Slow Art Day, we are hosting group activities for you to engage with the Hart House Permanent Collection. All activities are based in the Reading Room (main floor) in Hart House.

Free admission.
Saturday, April 6, 2-4pm

Ways to participate:

Join a one hour Collection Tour with our docents. Our docents will choose 5 works from the permanent collection for focused viewing. Visitors will take 10 minutes to view the chosen artwork, which will be immediately followed by a group discussion led by our docents.

Join the Hart House Get Crafty! Team for a Journal Making Workshop. Attend while supplies last! Participants are encouraged to use their journal creations to facilitate their Slow Art Day experience.

RSVP to Registration is encouraged; Drop-ins are welcome!

Share your experience on social: #SlowArtDay2019 #ArtMuseumUofT @artmuseumuoft

2pm: Hart House Permanent Collection Tour and Journal Making Workshop with Hart House Get Crafty!
3pm: Hart House Permanent Collection Tour

Why Slow?
When people look slowly at a piece of art they make discoveries. The most important discovery they make is that they can see and experience art without an expert (or expertise). And that’s an exciting discovery. It unlocks passion and creativity and helps to create more art lovers. The Art Museum is pleased to join 125+ museums and galleries from around the world for this annual event.


Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle. All activities are based in the Reading Room (main floor).


Title and Page Image: Scott McFarland, Reverse Horse, 2004. Purchased by the Art Committee, 2006.

Scott McFarland, Reverse Horse, 2004. Purchased by the Art Committee, 2006.

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